Foshan Bohua Auto Parts Co., Ltd.
Oil Filter

Oil Filter

Oil filters are an essential part of any vehicle's maintenance. They are responsible for removing harmful particles, debris, and contaminants from motor oil, thus helping prevent damage to your engine. An oil filter is designed to trap particles that are suspended in the oil, such as dust, dirt, and metal filings. It also helps to prevent oil deterioration and keep it clean. The filter is usually made of woven cotton, synthetic fiber, paper, or metal mesh that is designed to catch particles of a certain size. Oil filters should be changed regularly, usually every 5,000 miles, in order to maintain the effectiveness of the oil and the engine.

Types of Oil Filter

How an Oil Filter Work?

Filtration Process

Oil filters work by passing the oil through a filter that has very small pore openings. These pores are so small that only the oil can pass through and any contaminants, such as dirt and metal particles, will be unable to pass. The filter will trap these contaminants, preventing them from entering the oil system and potentially causing damage.

Purification Process

Once the oil has been filtered, it will then be sent through a purification process. This process works to remove any remaining impurities, such as water and oxidation byproducts. This will help keep the oil clean and free of any potential contaminants that may have been missed by the filtration process.


Regular maintenance of the oil filter is important to ensure that it is working properly. This includes changing the filter regularly as well as checking for any leaks or signs of wear. Doing this will help keep the oil clean and free of contaminants, which will help extend the life of the vehicle and its components.

How to Replace a Oil Filter?

Replacing an oil filter is a simple task that can be completed in a few minutes with the right tools. Here is how to go about replacing an oil filter:

  • Begin by gathering the necessary supplies. You’ll need an oil filter wrench, a drain pan, and of course, a new oil filter.

  • Locate the oil filter on your engine. It should be easily visible, often near the bottom of the engine.

  • Place the drain pan underneath the filter to catch any oil that may spill.

  • Use the oil filter wrench to loosen the filter. Be careful not to over-tighten the wrench, as this may cause the filter to strip.

  • Once the filter is loosened, carefully remove it and discard it.

  • Take the new oil filter and replace it with the old one. Make sure the filter is securely attached, and that it is sealed properly.

  • Re-tighten the filter with the oil filter wrench. Make sure it's snug, but not overly tight.

  • Clean up any spilled oil with a rag.

  • Add new oil to the engine. Check your owner's manual for the proper amount.

  • Start the engine and make sure it’s running smoothly.

That's it! You've just completed the process of replacing an oil filter. If you have any doubts or questions about the process, it's best to consult a professional to ensure the job is done correctly.

How Often Change the Oil Filter?

The oil filter is an essential part of your vehicle, as it helps to clean the oil before it circulates through the engine. This helps to keep the engine running smoothly and efficiently. As such, it is important to change the oil filter regularly.

How often you should change the oil filter depends on several factors, including the type of vehicle you drive, the type of oil you use, and the driving conditions you typically encounter. Generally, it is recommended that you change the oil filter every 3,000 to 5,000 miles.

For vehicles that are driven in more extreme conditions, such as off-roading or heavy towing, you should change the oil filter more frequently. This is because the filter will become clogged more quickly in these conditions. It is generally recommended that the oil filter be changed every 2,500 to 3,000 miles in these cases.

If you use synthetic oil, you may be able to go a bit longer between oil changes. Synthetic oils are designed to last longer and resist breakdown better than traditional oils. However, you should still change the oil filter every 5,000 to 7,500 miles when using synthetic oil.

No matter what type of oil you use, it is important to inspect the oil filter every time you change the oil. This will help you to identify any potential problems, such as clogs or leaks, before they become major issues. If you notice any signs of damage or wear, you should replace the oil filter as soon as possible.

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